Saturday 28 July 2012


Artikel Tentang Hadits android phones. Featured app with customization options.
**Free Download Hadith Apps for Mobiles**
First Artikel Tentang Hadith in Malay with different fonts selection. There are different options in colour for best reading.
In settings, can select for different sizes of fonts which can match your device. Can read it well on all android phones and tablets. App can be installed on all devices.

Main Topics:

- Islam - Iman - Ihsan
- Syuhada 
- Ibadah
- Wudlu
- Shalat
- Shaum Puasa
- Zakat dan shodaqoh
- Haji dan Umrah
- Adab
- Sabar

Key Features:

. Beautiful graphics and interface.
. Complete Hadiths of this Book.
. Cool effects, Can study for long, harmless for eyes.
. Customization options.
. Headings color and size can be customized.
. Text font size, style and color cab be customized.
. Good support for Android SDK versions from 1.6 and up.
. Small, Normal, Large and Extra Large Screens support is added.
. Work normal on any resolution.
. Text send and share options added.
. Can flip (scroll) the pages to read the next part of text.
. Bookmark feature is added.
. Goto feature is added.

Rest you can feel yourself!

Artikel Tentang Hadith in Malay based on Android. This app provides the cool effects to its reader. It gives cool effects to your eyes.
Can read it well on all kinds of android mobiles and tablets equaly.

You can study about many other topics such as: 

Pray-times, quran, education, Fasting, Eid, Muslim, dua, Evening, Ramadhan, Qibla, Imam, Faith, Religion, Durood, hell, jannah, Allah, peace, islamic-books


Apps Screenshots:


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